Rants // Entering Our Punkass Billionaire Era
Rants // Entering Our Punkass Billionaire Era

Rants // Entering Our Punkass Billionaire Era

“The left was very successful the last four years in bringing a negative connotation to MAGA, and I think they lost that battle the day that Elon Musk came out in support [of Trump], because now all of a sudden it just became punk rock to be Republican,” said Nevada state assemblymember Danielle Gallant. – Raw Story

They’ve said this exact thing before. It’s still not true. – Critical Nostalgia

Having read and reread this quote multiple times I still have numerous questions left. For one, what’s Gallant’s definition of punk rock? I really wish someone followed up on that. She doesn’t need to name all albums by Ramones and Dead Kennedys, but naming some wouldn’t hurt either – no Googling, please.

Second – why “now all of a sudden”? Isn’t she aware that “conservatism is the new punk rock” is a phrase that can be traced back to Rump’s first term? Of course back then Elon was still in his “insanely cool and mysterious rich inventor” phase, but that aside he probably hatched world domination plans even then – even in absence of loving fans.

What kind of love are we talking about here? Certainly not the old-fashioned, dorky, romantic kind encapsulated in songs by Nirvana and Buzzcocks. Although…

While I’m doubtful that that’s he kind of punk Gallant meant, being a spurned lover is as punk as it gets. Buzzcocks weren’t alone in maintaining that view either.

Elon Musk as a spurned lover narrative appeals to me – whatnot with his recent MAGA and 4chan clashes.  In all likelihood, however, Gallant meant a wider view of punk rock as a nihilistic, anti-establishment vehicle. In that case Elon comes off as more of a punkass than a punk (to borrow a quote from Airstrip101) and so do many of his uber rich tech brethren, for that matter.

Pray tell – is there anything particularly punk or anti-establishment about being the world’s richest man and spending nearly all of your time online? How punk are vintage incel memes? Is there anything punky about misogyny or love for breeding? I don’t think so.

Given our current cultural climate empathy and kindness are about as punk as it gets in the year 2025. Both fell out of mainstream favor years ago, as exemplified by recent election, so if you ever been described as a virtue signaler, social justice warrior or simply woke, my hat is off to you for being a true punk.

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