2024 in Review // 3 Albums of Choice by Matt Valentine
2024 in Review // 3 Albums of Choice by Matt Valentine

2024 in Review // 3 Albums of Choice by Matt Valentine


Matt ‘mv’ Valentine hails from the green collar/blues dirt as a guitarist, singer, songwriter and producer, also known for his explorations on the bantar (a banjo/sitar hybrid he invented). His debut as a leader was released as “Glorious Group Therapy” (with assistance from Erika Elder, Tim Barnes, Dean Roberts) on the cassette format in 1998 by the Polyamory label under the sobriquet ‘Matthew Dell’. The oxide was reissued soon after on LP under his proper name by Byron Coley and Thurston Moore’s Ecstatic Yod.

He began cutting his big teeth on guitar excursions in the mid 90’s when he co-founded ‘The Tower Recordings’ fusing experimental acoustic songform with noise and other disparate avant garde techniques. That ensemble released 8 proper albums alongside various singles, 10-inches, cassettes and compilation appearances. During this time his bands played shows with John Fahey, Sandy Bull, Loren Mazzacane, Bert Jansch, Pearls Before Swine, Rudolph Grey, Borbetomagus, Arthur Doyle, Pavement, The Scissor Girls…as well as a tour with Cat Power. – Howlin Wuelf Media

True legend in the house! Talking about Matt Valentine of Tower Recordings, Wet Tuna and MV & EE.

Lets count all the ways Matt contributed to IHN so far. There’s a guest mix, two (!) live shows (one in Providence, one in NYC) and, most importantly, last year’s split between Wet Tuna and DUNZA aka James Toth!

Said vinyl split ended up among 2024 favorites picked by Holiday at the Sea. Wet Tuna side is also featured in end of the year mix by Sheffild, UK label Audiobulb.

And now a list…sort of. Much like J Moss Matt isn’t big on lists, but he still picked 3 albums of choice from 2024 for us!

Matthew Dunn – Light Fantasy (Cosmic Range Records)

The record utilizes sweeping string arrangements throughout, alongside guitar contributions from J Mascis. Dunn, a longtime collaborator of MV & EE, U.S. Girls, and Badge Epoch, has been amassing a sterling run of solo releases over the past few years, starting with 2018’s Lightbourn. Fantastic Light pushes his works even further, exiting the humbled country canyons to lounge in the shadows of No Other and Wolfking of LA. If you’re unfamiliar, get acquainted quick, but for those of us who’ve been waiting on a new one from Dunn for the last couple of years, this comes as one of the best pieces of news of the year. – Raven Sings the Blues

Sun Araw – Lifetime (Sun Ark Records)

Sun Araw, a.k.a. Cameron Stallones, continues to investigate space as a motionless field against which many motions are observed on his tenth studio album LifetimeDrag City


Myriam Gendron – Mayday (Feeding Tube / Thrill Jockey)

Gendron eases the listener in with the Fahey-homaging instrumental “There Is No East or West,” and although the title references a gospel song, here it seems to speak more to the feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and grief that course through Gendron’s songs. Whether adapting Parker again on “Dorothy’s Blues,” turning out gemlike instrumentals like “La Luz,” or leaning into the soaring sadness of “Look Down That Lonesome Road,” Gendron continues to be a singular voice (figuratively and literally).

The title of the closing “Berceuse” translates to “Lullaby,” and gentle tone and lyrics match. Until Zoh Amba’s saxophone squeals surge in, playing the track off as Gendron’s electric guitar slowly gets quieter. It’s a striking moment, and after a few listens on that it’s hard to imagine the song and the album without, as if the messiness of life is bursting in to remind us why we need to sing children to sleep in the first place. As always, the beauty of Gendron’s music feels both hard fought and carefully wrought, something worth sharing and protecting. – Dusted


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