Upcoming – Rachel Mason – Tigers in the Dark
Upcoming – Rachel Mason – Tigers in the Dark

Upcoming – Rachel Mason – Tigers in the Dark

Rachel-Mason-2-x200Much  like the rest of her work, Rachel Mason‘s upcoming single/video “Tigers in the Dark” is a wild and flamboyant spectacle to behold – while the song was written from a perspective of hybrid animal-human, the video (directed by Matthew Spiegelman) will premiere during a live performance called Enter Das Ram on June 18 at LTD Los Angeles gallery.
The event will also include DJ set from a legendary Rodney Bingenheimer a.k.a. “Rodney on the Roq”, close friend of David Bowien and the man responsible for launching careers of countless artists from Depeche Mode to Blondie.
In advance of the performance/song/video premiere, hear a set of songs from The Lives of Hamliton Fish, a rock opera telling the story of two men named Hamilton Fish who died on the same day but led different lives)

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