St. Paddy’s 2020: Artists/Labels from Ireland + New Music Recommendations


As mentioned previously, at this point it feels wildly inappropriate (not to mention downright dangerous) to plan and throw together parties. Yet the party shall continue – if not in the offline world, then in a virtual space and while the real St. Paddy’s Parade may have been cancelled, we can still throw our own little version of the parade without endangering everyone’s lives/health.

We’ve been putting together playlists of new Irish music sporadically over the years (once in 2016 and once last year), but we’d like to make it permanent from now on. Today we asked our followers to give us some new(er) Irish music recommendations and here’s what we got back:


Arvo Party – Love Above All

Arvo Party’s latest is the journey promised at its opening and so much more, charting a clear descent from quirky euphoria into a dark consuming ambience. Where earlier works include hints at later events, the latter parts of the album include distorted memories as reference points to earlier sounds and nicely knit the record together. This is a real showcase without the sense of being over self-indulgent, with real care given to create a whole and fulfilling listening experience to be enjoyed by the many. – At the Barrier

picked by Iain

Laurie Shaw – Non Broadcast Pilot (Self Released)

Alright? Testing. Testing one two. This is Laurie Shaw speaking. This is my new album.

The long player incorporates elements of afro beat music, folk, rock & roll with middle eastern influences woven throughout. The long player is sapped of the wordy passages found on previous album, “Helvetica” and instead features more abstract lyrical phrases.

Where “Helvetica” unfolded like the lapping seas upon England’s jagged coastline, “Non Broadcast Pilot” is a very personal, internal journey through emotional turmoil where hearts break and relationships splinter.

Senior Infants – Sorry Excuse Me Can I Get Through There (Self Released)

grateful worldwide. let’s meet for brunch.

Tra Phaidin – Set a hAon (Sunshine Cult Records)

I heard Trá Pháidín for the first time at their gig in Nano Nagle Place earlier in December and was well and truly blown away. A potent mixture of GY!BE, Irish Traditional music and Free Jazz, they performed a +50 mins long, mostly improvised, set that in the setting of the church, created a hypnotic atmosphere. When they announced at the end they had CDs for sale, I immediately picked one up and listened to it on repeat on a 4-hour drive, loving every nuance in the performances. – Teletext Records

picked by Fixity

Miriam Ingram – Trampoline / Trampolonica (Mariana Trench Music / Go Away Recordings)

Miriam Ingram is an Irish musician, who has released two albums to date, “Trampoline” and “Trampolonica”. Both albums have received considerable accolades, with Totally Dublin saying, “If Hieronymus Bosch were alive today, this is the music he would paint to.” She is currently preparing material for her third album. She performs live with a rather great eleven piece band.

picked by The Last Sound


We also have a number of Irish labels/artists among our followers, so here’s a couple of lists to help shine even more light on independent/underground Irish music…


Artists / Bands

Vicky Langan

Ghost Signs / Transpacifica

Natalyia Beylis



My Pilot

The Altered Hours

Autre Monde

Aural Air

Sun Mahshene

The Magnapinna

The Last Sound


and for something more traditional > The Bonny Men


Art for Blind


Unscene Musicnot really a record label

Penske Recordings

Fort Evil Fruit

Rusted Rail

Out on a Limb Records

Strange Brew

Sunshine Cult Records

See also

Plugd Records

No Place Like Drone

Dublin Digital Radio

An Taobh Tuathail

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