New Music Releases for April 2020 – Compilations: Pt. 1
New Music Releases for April 2020 – Compilations: Pt. 1

New Music Releases for April 2020 – Compilations: Pt. 1


Part 1 of the roundup of compilations that came out in April! Put together with a little help from our followers.

Dive into our archives to hear even more new music!


Self Isolating Compilation (Linear Obsessional)

For musicians this enforced isolation seems especially cruel, as music is, possibly above all, a social activity that explores not just the interaction between musicians, but also between musicians and an audience.

These 85 (Eighty Five!) tracks are an attempted answer to the conundrum, all recorded in isolation at home, and almost all solo (the exceptions being three improvising musicians who share a house, and a father and son duo) throughout the world. There are tracks from UK, USA, France, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Ireland and the Canary Islands. The result is a kaleidoscope of variety – electronics, acoustic improvisations, the odd song and a poem.

Doom Mix Vol. IV (Doom Trip Records)

For our label’s 4th anniversary, we made you a mix

CS / DG – April 10th, 2020

Ft. Dntel, Nmesh, Fire-Toolz, Cruel Diagonals, and more

Oof Records Compilation #1

Hello world! We are a tape label run by @penpalindrome and David Britton Heart exclamation go listen to our first release: oof comp#1 on

via Ahmad Zaghal

Mancmade Acts of Hope (42s Records)

An 18 track charity album which is truly #mancmade

Including tracks from @peterhook @gazwhelanmusic @Rowetta @Johnny_Marr @BrixExtricated @arghkid @spacemonkeys @narcissushq @WEARELIINES and loads more. Available to order from

via Manchester Music Forever

ΔQVΔRIVS (Underwater Computing)

MindSpring Memories has a brand new track on the ΔQVΔRIVS compilation, iN wHiCh i aLsO mAsTeReD. there will be cassettes & minidiscs soon, but they’ve been temporarily corona’d. git to downloadin’

All the gains of the physical sales will go to the sea cleaners

Healing Sounds Ii: A Compilation For Those In Need (Past Inside the Present)

All proceeds will be donated to Feeding America. Feeding America is a nationwide organization that harnesses support from local communities to keep low-income families supplied with food. Right now, its biggest concern is children whose schools have closed, cutting off a source of healthy, free meals.

Stay Inside II – Infection (Lovecrypt)

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Requiescant in pacem.

The second coronavirus collaboration album.

Please pray for our dearly departed in this plague.

via sun@00:00

Mutual Aid 2020 (Bokeh Versions)

>>> Bokeh’s Mutual Aid Programme is now open. <<<

To either support them or to donate to aid programmes in their local community. We think ** £5 suggested donation ** is fair – the release is pay-what-you-feel as a gesture to you, the listener, who makes these things possible.

** £1,635 raised so far > thanx to the buyers and the listeners **

Mutual Aid 2020 was assembled by the Bokeh Allstars during the first 3 weeks of the Great Lockdown, March / April 2020. Many tracks are from Bokeh releases that fell through the net – we can always rebuild from what we have.

101% The Very Best of Outopian Sounds

via T2,000,000

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