Listen: Não Passarão! Compilation


In December, we asked our friends and networks in the DIY punk community to contribute tracks with anti-fascist and political themes to a compilation, to raise money for Ninguém Fica Pra Trás, an organisation in Brazil working hard to support those that Bolsonaro wants dispossessed and dead. As people of colour and queers we are part of an international current of creative solidarity sweeping through the world to counter the rise of fash bullshit.
Please purchase, download, share, and donate to Ninguém Fica Pra Trás, and together let’s root out fascism wherever we find it, through joyful militancy and creative action! Não passarão!

Its always nice to spot familiar names on the compilations and Não Passarão!, new anti-fascist/benefit comp, got two of those! One is Skyjelly (who need no special introduction) and the other one is Duck, our British associates who contributed You’d Better Run to our recent Spring Sampler.

Other artists featured on the compilation include Cecilia (UK/Brazil/Spain), Athabaska (UK), Brivele (US), GEFYR (Sweden), Xavosa (Brazil) and more! Support the music, support the great cause.

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