Dispatches from the Underground // September 13, 2021
Dispatches from the Underground // September 13, 2021

Dispatches from the Underground // September 13, 2021

Over at Last Day Deaf > Dope. [126] / Dope. playlist series will feature 10 recent gems, mostly focusing on emerging artists, you should, now or never, get round to. No genre boundaries applied, just “dope” music… Let’s get it on!

Out this Friday on This is it Forever > Contours by Veins Full of Static

Out now on Serotonin Jackalope > reissue of No Kings by Marine Layer / a reclamation of the artist name in order to re-release an album that we’re happy with as it is, at least now that it’s in stereo

Out today on Ramble Records > The Abstract Bullet Journal of Nieuwekamp by Waswas / Improvisations for guitar and piano on pre-recorded and randomly cut leftovers, all from another record that will never come out

Over at Klezmer Shack > Frank London and Jon Madof / Kol Nidre

Over at Record Crates United > Body/Dilloway/Head – s/t / As Body/Dilloway/Head, Aaron Dilloway, Kim Gordon and Bill Nace create dense patchworks of distortion and manipulated tapes on their upcoming trio collaboration on Three Lobed Recordings

Over at Gigwise > Vinyl Revue: On Our Own Clock – On Our Own Clock (Mushroom Hour Half Hour, Total Refreshment Centre) / new project from a group of fourteen talented musicians

Watch the video that Blue Tapes made for The Thin Cat by Ashtray Navigations / record out soon

Electric Wizards: A Tapestry of Heavy Music, 1968 to the Present book by JR Moores is out today! From Black Sabbath to Big Black, a ride through the evolution, diversity, and influence of genre-defying heavy music

Listen to The Haunted Generation Radio Show #2 / Join writer Bob Fischer for a gentle selection of folk music, vintage electronica, school assembly hymns and mining recruitment commercials

Check out catalogs of Solarein and Slow Abyss – solo projects of one delsolarein, who’s celebrating his birthday today!

Something new from Deathbomb Arc

New mix from Trip FM! This Ship Argo, 輕描淡寫 x Kuroi Ame, Acef Stripe, Andy Wiseman, Glåsbird and more

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