Reviews: Andy The Doorbum / Justin Aswell + A Compilation for Bernie Sanders

Andy-the-Doorbum-Justin-Aswell-IntentAndy the Doorbum / Justin Aswell – Intent (Fake Four Inc)
One of the reasons why I created this is to talk about Fake Four, a label whose musicians constantly bends genres to the point where some artists have to create a name for the genres: folk-rap? Electro-folk? Dream rap? Everything works as the music is taken in a carefree manner.
Andy the Doorbum and Justin Aswell are the latest in this group that makes music that has a slight outsider vision on electronica. With a voice reminiescent of Stephim Merritt of Magnetic Fields, his voice adds a certain spookiness to the occasionally skittering track, whose drums occasionally change from a reggae rhythm to IDM before you think it’s allowed to make such change. Hear the song here.

A Compilation for Bernie Sanders (Hellur Records)
Personally, I wish this kind of thing would go on.
There has been one too many occurrences where Republican musicians borrow songs without the artist’s permission as a means to make such sounds look cooler than it really does. So, people ought to follow the lead of Barsuk, Fat Wreck Chords and what not to let us know who they are for and who they are against in politics. Hellur Records offers us a short version of that with Bernie Sanders.
A Compilation for Bernie Sanders is merely a collection of bedroom artists who are for Bernie Sanders. For those who don’t like politics in their music, these songs are merely released songs, covers or new songs by six bands who, by name, are willing to let you know who they are for. The question is whether the music is good: yessir! The music is mostly on the dreamy side, but it never gets boring. All of the proceeds that you are interested in sending their way are going to be used only for supporting Bernie Sanders in the elections!
So, if you are interested in supporting one’s politics as well as hearing good music, check this compilation out.

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