Preview of Boston Not LA 4 (III)
Preview of Boston Not LA 4 (III)

Preview of Boston Not LA 4 (III)

Another volume of Boston Not LA is upon us and here’s another snippet of what’s up ahead…
Charcoal Sketches of the Invisible Man – Anomaly Jones 
CSOIM is just one nom de plume used by Dorchester, MA resident Chris Bynes – he also recorded as Lightning Pill, Daydreamers Club and Blue Skye (he contributed Heart Science as former and Alone Time as latter to Boston Not LA 2).
Chris’s music is as varied as his monikers and his new contribution sounds little like its predecessors (both of which were instrumentals) – this time the focus is on vocals. Initially his vocals may sound brittle but come chorus and they soar and blend beautifully with the sound of the piano.

Twink – Sparklemuffin
Its no secret that Twink the Toy Piano Band / Mike Langlie have obsession with/fixation on critters of various kinds and in case of Sparklemuffin the object of said fixation is dancing spider (as seen in corresponding music video)! Its quirky, its whimsical and it will probably make you dance too.

The Forgotten Jam – The Forgotten Jam
Con-Tex solo track Somehow There You Are (which he contributed to Boston Not LA 3) could’ve easily been one of Ween outtakes/b-sides whereas this self-titled track he recorded with his band TFJ is more of a tribal/psychedelic workout. The entire track is akin to an arc – starting out as a seemingly random collection of drumming, yelps and various noises it gradually turns into a tight psych jam a-la Grateful Dead.

Audrey Harrer – Ancient Honey
A stylish piece of pop noir, this piece taken off of Audrey’s debut Alphabet Rain just begs to be played during credits of one of David Lynch movies. Think soaring females vocals, strange atmospheres and cryptic lyrics – it all fits a narrative of a heroine being sucked into a murderous vortex of love and revenge.

Final version of Boston Not LA 4 will include 20 tracks, but in the meantime you can listen to previously available contributions from Anda Volley, The Prefab Messiahs, Skyjelly, The Lowbred Watts, Jenova 7 and Clown (aka Rusty Rabinowitz):

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