As you may or may not know, 4 new digital compilations are being assembled at IHRTN right now.
Every couple of weeks, I’ll post a preview of different compilations. Final versions of all compilations will arrive on Sep. 1st.
In the meantime, check out details for upcoming compilations:
Gone In 60 Seconds Vol. 2 – Sequel to Gone In 60 Sec. – a compilation of 1-minute tracks.
Participants: Cheapmachines | Marax | Unsacred Hearts | Boogie Monster | Darkwoods
Boston Not LA Vol. 2 – Sequel to Boston Not LA – a compilation of music by local bands
Participants: Destroy Babylon | RIBS | Uranium Daughters | Aeon Vespertine | Many Mansions | Skyjelly | Static of the Gods | Ruin/Renewal | Il Abanico | Red Bellows
Theory Of Everything – Compilation with no theme/subject.
Participants: Phone Home | Telethon | Ted Bundy’s Volkswagen | Old World Vulture |Hopewell | Glorie | The Halls of Mars | Whoarfrost | Geezer Lake | Aeronautix
Songs I Like To Sing – Compilation of covers
Participants: Squarehead | Ben Houge | Harvey Girls | Marax | Guanoman | Aeon Solaris | Hopewell | Fluid Minds | Andrea Caccese
Other Details
Deadline for all compilations: Sep. 1st
Length of Tracks: Anything under 10 minutes (except for “Gone In 60 Sec. Vol. 2″)
Genres: Any (although experimental/post-rock/ambient is preferred)
Amount of Submissions: Any (although in case if you’ll send multiple tracks, I’ll pick two of the best ones for the comp)
Send your tracks either to my mailbox ( or IHRTN dropbox.
Also – your help in art department might be needed! Check out “Call For Visual Entries” for more info!
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