I Heart Noise – Mentions
I Heart Noise – Mentions

I Heart Noise – Mentions


Big thank you goes out to all of the following people who are putting much effort into spreading the word about IHRTN around – via blogrolls, shouts or by any other means.
Ampeater | Auxillary Out | Boston Band Crush | Cephalochromoscope | Christian Sonic | Cosmic Visions | Dysonsound | Elementary Revolt | Favourite Son | FuppetsGiant Panther | Krach Und So | Musings From Boston | Olive Music | Parasites & Sycophants | Pilgrims Of Sound | Pixelhorse | The Pop! Stereo | Raised By SnakesSonic Abuse | Stealing The Light | Surfing On Steam | Teenage Wasteland | The Weirdest Band In The World | Thievesoftime | To Eleven
Please visit those fine resource and follow their authors on social networks / leave comments / support them in any way you can.
Special thank you goes to Paul Collegio / Jukebox Heart for writing this sweet little note. (I Heart Jukebox Heart, anyone?)
Interested in exchanging links with I Heart Noise or becoming an author/collaborator/guest blogger? Send an e-mail to sitnikovi@hotmail.com

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