Gone In 60 Seconds – Participants – Vanguard Villains + Down I Go
Gone In 60 Seconds – Participants – Vanguard Villains + Down I Go

Gone In 60 Seconds – Participants – Vanguard Villains + Down I Go

Vanguard-Villains-1-150x150Vanguard Villains formed in January 2009, born out of the remains of
various New York bands. Their huge sound is built on the interplay of
acrobatic guitars and drums. The group has been playing the
Brooklyn and Manhattan circuit consistently, gaining a following and
media coverage. They are currently releasing music independently,
on their own record label.
Further Info: Blog / Soundstatues (Neil S. Matharoo) Blog / Facebook / MySpace
Down-I-Go1-150x150Down I Go is a London based Dinocore/Disastercore/Robotcore/
Tyrantcore 4 piece.
They sound like:
Earthquakes, tidal waves, swarms of disease carrying mosquitoes,
burning houses, sinking ships, exploding reactors, starving
dinosaurs, Bostonites drowning in treacle, fatal coughing fits,
burning hair, stock market crash, planes falling from the sky…
More, recently, however the band decided to call it quits and concentrate on another
project called Sammy Davis Junior Junior.
Further Info: Official Site / Last.fm / Twitter

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