Dispatches from the Underground // Weekend Grab Bag #2 – Jan. 2023

New Music

Ryuichi Sakamoto – 12 / can’t wait to hear thisMichael Banabila

Fresh batch from ECM Records

Fresh batch from Mathematician Records

Something new from there are no birds here and Hream

course correct – On Slow / follow A Noise Wimp if you like that one

Weareforests- Where There is no Ending (Seil Records)

Nicole Mitchell & An Arche NewMusicEnsemble – Arc of O (RogueArt) (h/t jeff)

Listening Recommendations

Richard Dawson – The Hermit / The last 10 minutes or so of Richard Dawson’s ‘The Hermit’, from The Ruby Cord (2022), are pure transcendence… – Red Van on the Run

Robin Guthrie / Harold Budd – Bordeaux / Just put this record on and it completely knocked me out. The beauty of the music seems to have the ability to unconditionally re-establish a connection to the deeper reality of my emotions. Felt a huge hole in my stomach and started crying. DamnNiklas Sorensen

The Durutti Column – Fidelity / CD Saturday flows so much nicer than CD Friday. Time for a revisit with the criminally underrated FidelityDavid James

Faust: The Faust Tapes (via DeSelbysGoldenHours)

Daniel Bachman – Almanac Behind (3Lobed) / What an astounding LP. Fragments of banjo and guitar blend w/ harmonium drones, site-specific field recordings and decaying emergency weather broadcasts to tell a story of dread over what human behavior has done to earth’s human survivability. Deeply personal, painfully universalThe Modern Folk

Bass Clef – Magnetic Chapters (Wrong Speed) / Now playing. WSR004. Stone cold classic. One of the four reasons the label was started. This, Reigns, Sweet Williams, and Acidliner. All four needed to be on vinyl, so it happened. Love this record so much – Joe Thompson

Jeff Parker, Josh Johnson, Anna Butterss, Jay Bellerose – Mondays At The Enfield Tennis Academy (Eremite) / This evening continues with the vibes and sounds of Chicago’s bestNicklas Sorensen

Agalloch – The Mantle (h/t Stu MD ANT)

Trespassers W – Koala and other metamorphoses (Somnimage)

VA – Rental Yields: Volume One (Front & Follow) / All funds to a most excellent causeKuma

Live Shows

Shiverboard, Venus Twins, A Deer A Horse, Trace Amount at TV Eye, NY / Feb. 9 / 7PM

Pick of Boston gigs via GTGB / Charlie’s Kitchen, O’Briens, Cantab and Cambridge Elks


Creepy mailday from Hunter Complex

The Incidental Crack double tape pack

Blessed mail day from Wane Lietoc

Download codes from Perpetual Doom

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