Dispatches from the Underground // January 2022, Vol. 2
Dispatches from the Underground // January 2022, Vol. 2

Dispatches from the Underground // January 2022, Vol. 2

New Music Releases

Something new from Hream Recordings on the way

6 x10 = 60 Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 / Originally released in 1985 and 1986 by Korm Plastics. Comando Bruno, Merzbow, Bourbonese Qualk, Asod DVI, FâLX çèrêbRi and Throw Me Your Finger, Het Zweet, Coup De Grace No Unauthorized, etc releases January 22Rafael Flores

Patricia Wolf – I’ll Look For You In Others (Past Inside the Present) / The new @patwolfmusic debut full length album out on @Pastinside is up for pre-order today. Go grab this important, wonderful, beautiful work – Andrew Anderson

Andy Bell – Flicker (Sonic Cathedral)

Pigments – Thought Forms (Cruel Nature) / Finnish existential electronic ambient soundscapes inspired by Hilma af Klints, belief systems and science fiction

Phirnis vs HXDK – Superfood (Wormhole World) / This is my first release of 2022, a collaborative effort between myself and Australian friend @HXDK. Superfood was a long time in the making and we would like to give you this nutritious and wholesome release for free – Phirnis

Sunhaus – Formations (Mystery Circles) / Digital + edition of 50 cassettes / Out Jan 28th

Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Honer – Recordings from the Åland Islands (Intl Anthem) / Seriously dreamy combo of modular synthesizer and viola. Album comes out in March and is truly something to look forward toAna

Body/Dilloway/Head – S/T (3 Lobed) / nice tuesday afternoon brain scrubdis_ko comments

Kingston University Stylophone Orchestra – STYLOPHONIKA (Spun Out of Control) (h/t Sydney)

Holodrum – S/T (Gringo Records) / Let’s gooooooooooBernie

Lawrence English – Viento (Room40) / I was fortunate enough to see @room40speaks perform some of this material in Austin. Can’t wait for the full release to dropAndrew Anderson

Laurie Shaw – Bird Mountain

R∞ – 破損したソース / this EP, 破損したソース (which translates to ‘corrupted source’) was released at the beginning of COVID and i feel like it was overlooked. each side starts with deep, driving melody and then gradually decays into chaos and noise. 30 minute total, check it 

Kyle Morgan – Ransom the Captive Heart (Team Love Records) / “…a winding folk beauty,” Under The Radar

Jonathan Deasy – Praxis (Tone Burst)  

Lucy Gooch – Rushing (Fire Records) / “Expansive, upfront, spectral pop” – kexp

 The Weirdo From Another Planet – You Complete Me (Unsilent Desert Press)

Natalia Beylis – Love​-​In​-​A​-​Mist, Edible (Nyanh Records) / We are extremely happy to stock this beautiful, beautiful record from Nyahh RecordsElectric Knife Records

The Gaye Device – Ruins (Sounds for the Soul Records) / concept album based on visits to abbeys/monasteries/churches in Yorkshire.Hopefully placing the listener in the atmosphere of these bygone relics

Rat Mass – Only the Weak Die at Home / his heavy experimental art metal thing came out 10 years ago. We just started working on another one – e_doom

Ben McElroy – How I Learnt To Disengage From The Pack (Slow Music Movement) / beautifulDillon

Tudor Acid – Empathy For Cyborgs / Ambient Techno. Bristol (h/t FRBH Recordings)

Kendraplex – Two Rivers / somewhere between library music, weird electronics, and a perhaps pastoral psychJS

salvatore mercatante – POST (noci miste) / Expect the unexpected. New release from @smercatante_ on his label Noci Miste. Great production. Challenging, and well outside the box. Moving the post(s). Listen. Enjoy. SupportDisruptive Rhythms Electronic Music Radio

Audio Obscura – 23 (Courier Sound) / 23 copies on CD each with different inlay photo card

Listening Recommendations from the Past / Months Prior

Trace Mountains – House of Confusion (Lame-O Records) (h/t Cusp)

Padang Food Tigers – God’s Plenty (Shhpuma) (h/t Ben)

kaczynski – balanced on a boundary stone (h/t T2,000,000)

La Tène – Vouerca​/​Fahy (three:four records) (h/t T2,000,000)

Thomas Leer – Conversation Peace (Future Historic) / Only really knew ‘the bridge’ but been listening to more of his stuff today – can see a bandcamp spree coming up when I get paid again 🙂 – junklight


Fresh NYC Scene Report from Adam’s World / features nu-disco/yacht rock band @BadBusinessBand, singer-songwriter @ariahandmusic, and goth/glam rockers @RitualistsBand, all of whom have shows coming up

Wet Tuna “Eau’d To a Fake Bookie Vol. 1 & 2” (via Foxy Digitalis)


John Williams – Nothing But The Night  / First book of 2022 / I’m a completist so when I saw this I added to my queue, williams’ brilliance is there at an early stage – even if the story is a bit near Fitzgerald (“May Day”) or A more tragic “Catcher in the Rye”Terrence Hannum
Marcia Jenneth Epstein – Sound and Noise (h/t Nathan Wolek)


Hand-Picked Preorders from Norman / Staff-selected picks include Blood Incantation, Half Man Half Biscuit, Andy Bell, Binker & Moses, Destroyer, Kae Tempest, and Pavement

Warhen Records is having a sale! 30% off of Do It Again by Borrowed Beams of Light

Take a peek into Movements of a Cloud – collaboration between Belial Pelegrim and Ambient Skyze, out on Bricolage label in February

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