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G. Edgar Livengood and Amber Valentine are Athens, GA based duo Jucifer. Formed in 1993, so far they had produced a whole number of albums for labels like Capricorn and Relapse.
Their debut was 1995 “Superman/Licorice” 7″, followed by a tour and a full-length – “Calling All Cars On A Vegas Strip”, which was recorded in 1996, but wasn’t released until 1998, due to a lack of funds. Release of yet another full-length called “I Name You Destroyer” was delayed until 2002 and the band produced what was initially a tour-only record – “Lambs” EP, but it was also available in stores.
In 2006, they signed a contract with Relapse Records and released “If Thine Enemy Hunger” album for a label. Their latest album (as of 2008) is a double LP based on French revolution called “L’autrichienne” and the band continues to tour/record, as well.
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Calling All Cars On The Vegas Strip CD (Capricorn, 1998)
The Lambs CD EP (Velocette, 2001)
I Name You Destroyer CD (Velocette, 2002)
War Bird CD EP (Velocette, 2004)
If Thine Enemy Hunger LP / CD (Relapse, 2006)
L’Autrichienne (Relapse, 2008)
Compilation Tracks:
“Fight Song” on Juin 2003 (Les Inrockuptibles magazine, 2003)
“Amplifier” on Tracks & Fields (Kill Rock Stars, 2004)
“Pontius Of Palia” on Relapse Sampler 2006 (Relapse, 2006)
“Blackpowder” on Forging The Future (Relapse, 2008)