Review: Terry and Louie – …A Thousand Guitars
Review: Terry and Louie – …A Thousand Guitars

Review: Terry and Louie – …A Thousand Guitars

It always fucks me up when an album gets released at the end of a year. Just when I’m ready to wipe the dust from my hands and prepare for the lull of early year doldrums, out comes a banger from Terry Six and Louie Bankston; right at the buzzer. …A Thousand Guitars is their full length debut, having released a few 7” EP’s here and there. This album has been worth the wait. Every song rips with loud, driving riffs, catchy hooks, and a sneer. This is purified Rock & Roll straight out of the tap. No filter and no gimmicks here. It’s not a sentimental nostalgia piece, either.
Those of you familiar with Terry Six and Louie Bankston are undoubtedly aware of the Exploding Hearts and their unfortunate end. There are some moments of familiarity in the songwriting, but this is something wholly other. It stands apart and doesn’t get wrapped up in the past. Instead, it comes around to the present as a reminder that hard times are eternal. Just because something terrible has happened before, that doesn’t mean that it stops happening. The real difference is what you do with that information as it becomes clear. You can lay down with despair or spit in its eye. I try to do both, m’self. “Broken forever, broken together…”
…A Thousand Guitars does not disappoint. The title track is an anthem for the socially disengaged. We’re trapped together in a world we find dissatisfying and neither one of us are doing particularly well. What’s the solution? We stick it out together and come out swinging. Most of the tracks on the album are rebuking the idea of isolationism. There’s an understanding of comradery between the band and the listener. For those who still don’t quite feel good, those who still don’t feel the world makes sense, Terry & Louie got you covered.
Terry and Louie are:
Terry Six
Louie Bankston
Aaron Hill
Chad Savage
Now, if you need me, I’m gonna go drink under my favorite bridge and get a little stoned.

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