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That’s right folks, five out of five rock stars agree – consuming Gang of Four records will give you a happier life. After the Sex Pistols and the Clash, no other English band of the time would carve a bigger stake for hordes of American hard-nosed funky noise-bands: Rage Against the Machine, Korn and Limp Bizkit would be unimaginable without the territory that Go4 fearlessly staked out in a bold, visionary stance that few bands could have taken. – Perfect Sound Forever
Remembering Gang of Four founder Andy Gill (1956-2020) with a little help from our followers.
Not Great Men (picked by Counterzine)
Contract (picked by Counterzine)
We Live As We Dream, Alone (picked by Nicholas Panagakos)
What We All Want (picked by Burning Witches Records)
Naturals Not In It (picked by Burning Witches Records)
Anthrax (picked by Joel Ebner Will McAlpine and Lord Baden Powell-Peralta
Anthrax might be in my top 3 favorite songs of all time so…
“Anthrax” is still the one. Gill’s guitar on that was just incredible
Armalite Rifle (picked by Will McAlpine)
Ether (picked by Counterzine and Will McAlpine)
At Home He’s A Tourist (picked by Dillon and Coraspect Records)
Damaged Goods (picked by Soulscorch)
I Found That Essence Rare (picked by Audioculture)
Two more things worth of a mention – cover/interpretation of Anthrax by Coraspect Records and a live cover of Damaged Goods performed by our own Turkish Delight during their Middle East reunion show in 2018.
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