First volume in the series collecting 1-minute tracks. Featuring Big City Orchestra, Blue Sausage Infant, Collapse Under the Empire, Dead Leaf Echo, Down I Go, Drone Forest, Electric Bird Noise, ENE and more.
First volume in the series collecting music from Boston artists. Featuring Ghost Box Orchestra, Skyjelly, Walter Sickert & The Army of Broken Toys, Concord Ballet Orchestra Players, Craig Robertson, Koala, Soccer Mom, Lion Cub, Night Fruit, The Televangelist and the Architect and more.
Circle Of Friends: Vol.1 – Facebook
Compilation of tracks by artists that follow us on Facebook. Featuring Sunken Landscapes, Abram Taber, Aeon Solaris, Jenova 7, ENE, freesoulJAH, ZnO and FEASTofFETUS.