Stuff You Might've Missed / Download – A Diamond Hidden In The Mouth Of A Corpse


Throughout the 80s, Giorno Poetry Systems label (run by a poet John Giorno) released a series of compilations combining music and spoken word. Some of them are now available for download (thanks to UbuWeb online archive), including original 1985 LP “A Diamond Hidden In The Mouth Of A Corpse”. Download it here.
Here’s a breakdown of the content available on the compilation:
Husker Du contributed their track “Won’t Change”, which was recorded in 1983. It never appeared on any of official band’s recordings, but it also appeared on two compilations GPS compilations – 1987 “Smack My Crack” and 1993 “Cash Cow – The Best Of Giorno Poetry Systems”.
David Johansen (former lead singer for sleaze kingpins New York Dolls) contributed his track “Johnsonius”, which also appears on GPS compilation “Smack My Crack”.
John Giorno Band contributed their track “Scum & Slime”, video version of which appears on 1987 “It’s Clean, It Just Looks Dirty” compilation.
William Burroughs contributed an excerpt from his novel “The Western Lands” to the compilation, which also appears on 1998 compilation of his work called “The Best Of William S. Burroughs From Giorno Poetry Systems”.
Sonic Youth contributed their track “Halloween”, which was recorded in 1985 and also appears on their 1986 “Bad Moon Rising” album, 1986 “Flower / Halloween” single, 1995 “Screaming Fields Of Sonic Love” compilation and their 1990 split with Mudhoney.
Cabaret Voltaire contributed their track “Dead Man’s Shoes”, which also appears on GPS compilation “Smack My Crack”, as well as a collection of unreleased/rare CV material called  “Listen Up With Cabaret Voltaire”, which came out in 1990.
Diamanda Galas contributed an excerpt from her piece “Eyes Without Blood”, which appeared in its entirety on 1982 cassette from Audio Textures label.
Coil contributed their track “Neither His Nor Yours”, which also appears on GPS 1993 compilation “Cash Cow”, as well as 1997 “Unnatural History |||”, a third volume in the series collecting rare/unreleased tracks by Coil.
Michael Gira (Swans) contributed his spoken word piece “Game”, which is exclusive to this compilation.
David Van Tieghem (Flying Hearts, Love Of Life Orchestra) contributed his piece “Out Of The Frying Pan”, which is exclusive to this compilation.
Jessica Hagedom & The Gangster Choir contributed their track “Tenement Lover”, which is exclusive to this compilation.
Artwork for the compilation was created by New York artist Keith Harring (1958-1990).

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