Solilians Songography // A Planet of My Own + Gamma Rays 37


Solilians is a psychedelic drone pop band from Long Island, New York. Appropriately enough, their album is dedicated to the memory of the late, great Leonard Nimoy, and sung in Hebrew. – Breakthru Radio

Last year we kicked off our Songography series with a dissection of Tea the Drink by Skyjelly. Before we could proceed any further, however, the Skyjelly release we put out at the time (Stars EP) had sold out and the idea was shelved.


Now that we released the Skyjelly / Solilians split it feels only right and natural to continue song-by-song breakdown and cover material by both bands. Up first are two songs comprising the Binah’s Dream 7″, Solilians debut that came out in 2013 and featured a lineup of Ben Malkin, Neptune Sweet (aka Electric Djinn), John Ceparano (aka J. Cep of The Stargazer Lillies / Soundpool) and Gabriel Walsh (The Earthly Frames).

Binah’s Dream is a concept release, a soundtrack to a comic illustrated by Ian Densford and written by Solilians founder Ben Malkin. As per liner notes Solilians provided on Kickstarter

The comic book ‘Binah’ is a collaboration between the illustrator Ian Densford and the writer Ben Malkin. Ben wrote the script about a teleporter named Binah, who, along with her team of powers (Metamorphosis, The Daughter of Illusions, & Flush), stages five ‘signs from G-d.’ The signs are meant to try & secretly convince her people, the Solilians, that they need to move their home & holy land, Strong Island, or suffer inevitable atomic annihilation. Amidst a sea of escalating tension, hatred and violence from their neighboring countries (~particularly Old Jersey, whose people the Ifwhen, are very close to atomic capability), the Solilians find themselves eternally on the defensive, and constantly having to anticipate when the next attack or tragedy will be. Binah, who does not love her own government, but rather simply wants peace, believes she was visited by G-d in a dream, informed she is the Messiah, and that it’s her duty to get the Solilians to emigrate to a far-away island she’s bought before it’s to late. The ‘signs from G-d’ do get people talking, and the drunk noir detective Blaze Braff (who himself has super-speed) is sent in by Strong Island’s government to get to the bottom of it. Quite a bit ensues but we’ll save that for the comic. Suffice to say, in light of recent events, this tale is more relevant than ever.

Podcasts / Radio Shows

Dark Night of the Soul with Julie: Playlist from February 6, 2014

Song(s): A Planet of My Own

Other artists featured: No Joy, Field Mouse, Lullatone

BTR Live Studio – Jan. 24, 2017

Song(s): A Planet of My Own


Gamma Rays 37 was one of the picks on the list of Halloween songs compiled by Stargazer Lillies for Static + Distance blog.

This is a gorgeous ambient underground project that John contributed bow guitar to and it comes with it’s own super “out there” comic book. This particular track has dark drones with eerie female vocals and is sure to put you in the Halloween spirit.

Other bands/artists featured on the said list include Stars of the Lid, Wendy Weber (Windy & Carl), Broadcast and A Place to Bury Strangers. A fine company to keep, indeed.

See also 

3/14 Playlist (Spotify) – compiled by Ben aka Goodbye Better. Featuring Solilians, Skyjelly and The 1865.

Binah Festival – details on a show that featured Common Prayer, The Earthly Frames, The Stargazer Lillies, So Li’l, Honeychild Coleman (The 1865) and Electric Djinn

Interview with Ben and Ian on Comics Grinder

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