New EP from B&DCoG is finally here! “Beileid” features 3 tracks including a cover of Warlock‘s “Catch My Heart” (with guest vocals provided by Mike Patton).
The EP’s title (Beleid – meaning “condolence”), not to mention the illustration of a rainy funeral on its cover, clearly signpost the kind of bleak terrain we’re headed for, but Bohren are as adept at ever at finding romance and a sort of redemption in the heart of the abyss. Musically, the key reference point remains Angelo Badalamenti’s scores for David Lynch; a combination of plaintive sax, ominous synth drones and electronic piano situated at the interzone between dream and nightmare.
Zombies Never Die (Blues)
Catch My Heart
Buy it: Boomkat
Reviews: Rate Your Music | Tissue Rejection
See Also: Bohren & Der Club of Gore on MySpace
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