Michael Vallarelli / Phone Home Interview
Michael Vallarelli / Phone Home Interview

Michael Vallarelli / Phone Home Interview


Note – Phone Home is a duo of brothers John and Michael Vallarelli. Their debut EP is now available for download via Bandcamp.

What’s in a name? Is it safe to say that there’s an E.T. reference hidden in there?
Definitely safe to say that. It was the first movie I ever watched and enjoyed. When we started playing together on a more serious level, the music turned out to sound rather cosmic so it fit.
What are some of your musical influences?
I try to listen to as much music as possible and I often find myself overwhelmed with the amount of music that is out there. I can defintely speak for John in saying the same. For me, listening to Elvis Costello growing up inspired me to check out a lot of different generes. He’s sort of nailed most of them in my opinion.  I like anything from Jazz to classical, to indie-rock and hip hop. I’m really into the new Deerhunter and No Age records right now. Also, Arvo Part just released Symphony No. 4 which is really beautiful and intricate.  John listens to a lot of different types of music too. We’re always introcuding new music to each other. He likes a lot of hardcore, earlier emo and post-rocky bands. He also has a real weakness for top 40 pop radio(you didn’t hear it from me). We’ve also been closely following Kanye West’s “Good Friday” releases. That guy is crazy, in a good way.
What about non-musical ones?
I’d say my parents are huge influences on me and my brother for sure. They both are kind of non-comformists in their own right. They always inspired us to be individuals and to do what makes us happy. This band is definitely an example of that sort of ideal. Also living in New York has always been inspiring. There is so much going on here it’s hard not to be affected by it.
Phone Home includes you and your brother John.
Traditionally, it is said that relationships between brothers in bands (Oasis, Kinks) are very strained.
So what would you say about your own experience of being in a band with your brother/sibling?
Since we shared a room together for so many years, I think he’s kind of built a sort of method as to how to deal with me. It’s pretty special (haha). No but seriously, it’s been great so  far and I’m totally looking forward to writing and performing with him. I’m pretty thrilled actually.

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