Listomania – Blogs – Mudd Up + Coco's OCD + Tympanogram
Listomania – Blogs – Mudd Up + Coco's OCD + Tympanogram

Listomania – Blogs – Mudd Up + Coco's OCD + Tympanogram

Mudd Up – “Dirt, sound, lit”. Run by CEO /  “Head Janitor” Jace Clayton (a.k.a. DJ/rupture).

Jace /Rupture, C.E.O. and Head Janitor of Mudd Up!, welcomes you to his bog. words, music, maplessness. please sink deep.

Recent articles: The History Of Ice | Temporary Curators: Sleazy + Beyond | Amerikan Poetry In 2 Parts
Coco’s OCD “Featuring hot people presenting co0l music.”  Run by Lara Shahd Zoabi (Coco).

Fell in love with all the wrong people and all I could say for my defense is that there was an amazing song playing in the background that night.  So, yes please, knock yourselves out, my aim is to be Bookmarked. For all the heart broken and heart swollen, here here, I empathize and sympathize, my blog is dedicated to you.

Recent articles: White Tuesday | 11 – Esplendor Geometrico, Passion Party, Forest Feeling, Lee Noble, Body Rush
Tympanogram – A joint venture between Andy and Dave.

Tym-pan-o-gram (noun)
an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum, and the conduction bones by creating variations of air pressure in the ear canal.
Basically, it sounded like a cool name for a blog intended to be primarily about music. We’d both had other blogs previously, but over beers it was decided that more damage could be done as a joint venture. And here we are.
We share a passion for the undiscovered and under-appreciated, and hope that you’ll be able to find something you love as well.

Recent Articles:  Video – Deerhunter – Helicopter (Live on Conan) | Crash Symbols – Dope Mountain Fuck | Attic Abasement – Australia

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