"Gone In 60 Seconds: Uncut" reviewed on To Eleven!
"Gone In 60 Seconds: Uncut" reviewed on To Eleven!

"Gone In 60 Seconds: Uncut" reviewed on To Eleven!


Big thank you goes out to Jayson from To Eleven blog for reviewing “Gone In 60 Seconds:Uncut“! As he points out:

You may remember my previous review of Boston blog I Heart Noise’s Gone In 60 Seconds compilation. What we have with the Uncut is a much smaller selection of tracks (8) that we can hear in their entirety. Where for me the original compilation had it’s hits and misses it was interesting and I felt a solid exposure to a lot of music. Uncut is 100% hits though. I loved each of these songs and everything is going down in the books as something to check out my thoroughly on my own in the future.

Read the rest of the review here.

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