Song Premiere // Typical Sisters – Grains
Does anyone remember The Books? No, not the printed matter (though, chances are, it might’ve been forgotten about with libraries being closed for so long), …
Does anyone remember The Books? No, not the printed matter (though, chances are, it might’ve been forgotten about with libraries being closed for so long), …
Texas might not be heavily associated with experimental/electronic scene, but Creeps are here to change that. Contrary to the band’s name there’s nothing creepy about …
The entire broken-down/glitch/lowercase aesthetics was all the rage in experimental/avant circles in the late 90s/early 2000s as exemplified by the output of German labels Kompakt, …
Few scenes in movie history capture the sense of urban alienation/melancholy/decay with the same palpability that the Pruitt-Igoe segment in Koyanisquatsi does. The helicopter hovering …
If Bloom de Wilde, the subject of our video premiere, will ever blow up in a big way (and chances are, she just might) the …
There are all sorts of ways to jam econo – one was embodied by Minutemen, an iconic San Pedro trio whose legacy is still very …
Earlier today we premiered an interview by Dave Mustaine impersonator supreme Cody aka Triangle Theory / Cryostasium. If you were excited about this one, you …
Rage that lasts a thousand years will soon be gone, as Freddie Mercury once noted. This was back in the 80s and the rage is …
Its hard to imagine anything more triumphant as a festival closer than a set by Lightning Bolt – and that’s what we experienced at the …
Problem with a lot of protest music is that it gets dated rather quickly. It could be that tying your creative work to a hot-button …