Bandcamp Friday // Betwixt, Gull Boy, Darryl Blood


Rock music with oddly-tuned guitars, varied rhythms, clouds of dissonance, and bursts of energy wasn’t too hard to come by in the 1990s. But not everyone who practiced this DIY form got out of the decade alive: for every Sonic Youth there was a Dustdevils, and for every Polvo there was an Erectus Monotone. Boston band Turkish Delight were a casualty of the slacker decade too, but their music deserved to survive longer, and this reissue of their 1996 album Tommy Bell shows why. – Marc Masters

Its been awhile since we checked in with Boston’s motley crew Turkish Delight. But since today is Bandcamp Friday and we heard a lot of TD-related news we figured it might be a time to do so again!

As mentioned previously, Salty Tang, second LP by Betwixt (that features Dave and Leah from TD) is getting a vinyl treatment now! CMJ described the album as “a twisted, yet thoroughly beguiling mess of form-free pop”

But as they say “wait, there’s more!”. There’s always more…

TD guitarist/drummer/vocalist Darryl Blood been focused on soundtracks and ambient music. His latest is Air Drop which was described by Toneshift blog as “brooding low-end acoustics ala early Nick Cave blended with peculiar, sidewinding experimentalism.”

Last, but not least – July also saw the release of self-titled debut from Gull Boy, band formed by TD bassist Carl Thien and currently also features Christian Negrete (ex-Spore). As GB’s homepage states the band’s influences include Orange Juice, Josef K, Teardrop Explodes and Subway Sect (among many others). Carl also hosts Gulls Window Circus on WZBC.

For anyone that needs a refresher on Turkish Delight we highly recommend Detuned Dada, an excellent piece written by Andrea Feldman / Warped Reality Magazine. Tape reissues of the band’s catalog that IHN put out are currently sold out and the band also have a double CD anthology out on British label Reckless Yes – that one also comes with a hearty recommendation from us.

Places to visit on the Web

Bandcamp – Leah Callahan

Facebook – Turkish Delight Reunion

Twitter – NoonyTD

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