Artist Profile – Aaron Turner


I grew up in New Mexico, and there wasn’t a whole lot as far as youth culture is concerned. Especially when I started to get interested in straight-edge and wasn’t doing drugs anymore, there was really nothing for me to do. So that was like a big reason for me, I suppose, to become really productive. Also, I’ve never been a really social person. So there’s not a lot of time taken up by my social life. And music has always been a very very big part of my life. I guess just a combination of those factors is why everything got started so early.

Associated Entries:  Isis

[nextpage title=”Biography” ] Aaron Turner is best-known as a vocalist for Isis, but he also have numerous other projects and he runs Hydra Head Records label.Raised in New Mexico, Turner moved to Boston in order to study at the School Of The Museum Of Fine Arts and by 1993 (while he was still in high school) he started Hydra Head.
The first band to release material on Hydra Head was Vent, a short-lived band which would go on to produce one 7″, but eventually the label also started releasing material by other bands, including Converge, Coalesce (whose roadie was in Vent and he handed the band’s demo to Turner), Drowningman, Cave In, Keelhaul, Soilent Green, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Cult Of Luna, Knut and many others.
Both Hydra Head and his primary band Isis were started in Boston, but eventually both label and band moved operations to Los Angeles. Hydra Head also includes two subdivisions – Tortuga and Hydra Head Noise Industries, the latter of which is focused on noise/experimental music.
Turner cites bands like Pink Floyd, King Crimson and Godflesh as an influence, but he also says that electronic music and hip-hop influenced him as well. He also did plenty of artwork for bands that he worked with, including album covers for 27, 5ive, Aerogramme, Burst, Dillinger Escape Plan and Tusk, among others.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Discography” ] With Old Man Gloom:
Meditations In B (Tortuga, 1999)
Seminar 3: Zozobra (Tortuga, 2001)
With Lotus Eaters:
Alienist On A Pale Horse (Double H Noise Industries, 2001)
Mind Control For Infants (Neurot Recordings, 2002)
With House Of Low Culture:
Submarine Immersion Techniques Vol.1 (Crowd Control Activities, 2000)
Edward’s Lament (Neurot Recordings, 2003)

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