3 More Videos From Big Ears 2018 + 2019 Announcement

Taking one more look at 2018 edition of Big Ears (a trip that almost didn’t happen for us due to a nasty blizzard)! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel / spread the word if you like what you see.
And check out the announcement for BE2019 from WBIR!
Jenny Scheinman “Mischief and Mayhem” – Blues for the Double Vee
Jenny Scheinman, far right, with her Mischief
Florida violinist joined by Nels Cline, Todd Sickafoose and Scott Amendola performing one of the songs from her self-released 2012 LP.
Further Reading: Indyweek / Grayson Currin | The Bluegrass Situation | WNYC | Will You Miss Me When I’m Gone?

Medeski, Martin and Wood
Packed show during which yours truly was constantly asked to move out of the aisle – and when situation got more stable we finally managed to catch a good view of MMW performance.

Jon Gibson – Visitations
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”15″]A founding member of the Philip Glass Ensemble, Gibson has performed in the group for the past 45 years. With his new ensemble, Gibson re-imagines his first solo release Visitations with modular synthesizers and a digital projection of the 16mm film One Way, depicting a journey through the California desert.[/perfectpullquote] Further Reading: Forced Exposure | Bomb Magazine / Britton Powell | The Hum | Rewire
Read more about Big Ears 2018
Inside of Knoxville | WBIR | Knox News | I Care If You Listen | No Depression
Big Ears recently shared a glimpse into its 2019 lineup and its about as strong/impressive as one can expect from BE – Jlin, The Messthetics and Nils Frahm are just few of the names that caught our eye.
While we’re waiting for next year’s edition to happen, here’s our entire video playlist for BE2018, followed by tweets that mention the artists that we recently added to our playlist.

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